About Us
Miss Kentucky Bluegrass is truly a unique pageant experience in the fact it offers a talent avenue for those interested, focuses on the community service aspect, and the overall "girl" in everyone. To learn the GIFT of giving and helping others at such a young age is priceless and deserves to be showcased. "It's More Than Just" Miss Kentucky Bluegrass is proudly the sister pageant system to Kentucky Festival Pageants.
If you're new to the AmeriFest family, let me introduce myself, I'm Dianne Turner - originally from Eastern Kentucky, living in Madison County now for over 24 years. As a former pageant contestant and local and state winner myself, pageants have taught me to step outside my comfort zone as a very shy little girl. I have seen this countless times as a director and a mother. As a former shy littler girl, through pageantry, I gradually gained more and more self confidence, the ability to look someone in the eye, and speak in public (my biggest fear at the time). I won some- lost a lot , but more importantly I grew as a person. I worked with different organizations, volunteered my time, made appearances, and now I have been a pageant director for over 24 years!
Miss Kentucky Bluegrass and Festival Pageants take pride in our focus on community service and faith based approached. We strive to shed a new light on the pageant stigma, with positive pageantry and our devotion to community service. Whether you've never been on the pageant stage or you're a life long fan, I do believe you will enjoy and gain friends form this experience. We are a faith based pageant system with an emphasis on community service and giving back. We hope to see you soon!
God Bless!
"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased"
Hebrews 13:16
Dianne Turner
Miss Kentucky Bluegrass State Director
Kentucky & Tennessee Festivals State Director
AmeriFest National Executive Director
Courtney McCubbin
Director of Marketing
Daily Operations Manager
When I was younger I always watched pageant shows on TV but never felt like I would be good enough to participate in one, let alone be able to open up enough and break through my shyness. I moved around most of my life so "home" always had a different meaning to me than most. I went through college to graduate with a Bachelor's in Accounting from Eastern Kentucky University (Go Colonels!) When I was given the opportunity to join AmeriFest I was nervous because I had never had a pageant background so I was not sure what to expect being on the operations-end of things. Spending a couple of days with Dianne, I realized that I had never felt appreciated and part of the family this quickly and wholeheartedly from someone who is supposed to be my "boss". I loved the faith and trust she put into me, someone new. After my second pageant I really got to see what it meant to be part of this community - all of the wonderful families, the many things learned from the friendships I have gained, the giving and serving mission that we surround this family around, and the Christian atmosphere - it was then that it hit me that this is where God put me and where I want to be. THIS, this is home. Home is not a place, it is a feeling. I have been blessed with my amazing "born-into" family but also with the family that comes with this program. It was everything I never knew I was missing in my life.
#WeAreFamily #Festivals #ItsMoreThanJust